Possible Dates of Jesus’ Death
The year and month and day people have said that Jesus might have died :
Years: – between AD26-AD36 Pontius Pilate the years he was Governor.
Month: – March or April.
Day: -Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday.
Reasons include: a special or high Sabbath, John 19:31. Matthew 28:1 Sabbath here in Greek is Sabbaths. The word Sabbath means “rest” not a day of the week. One Jewish Pastor said Passover Sabbath started Wednesday sunset that year and the normal weelky Sabbath started Sunset Friday. The Passover lamb had to be inspected for Four days and if Jesus died on Friday that would have made it 6 days of inspection.
One year we like for the crucifixion is Wednesday sunset 10th April AD32.