The Book of Galatians

Galatians 1:1-10. AD49 – (Paul’s 1st Letter).
Paul wrote Galatians in AD49.
Paul’s 1st letter of 13 (some say 14) which he wrote.

Paul wrote 1,859 verses, Luke wrote 2,158 verses (50,194 words) and John wrote 1,415 verses (31,099 words). Some theologians attribute the book of Hebrews also to Paul (another 4,003 verses). However, Paul’s authorship of all his books is clearly stated in the opening verses, and his singular personal pronouns are heavily used throughout. In contrast, no author is mentioned in Hebrews, and the personal pronouns are plural.

Some of the topics Paul covers in his personal letter to the Galatians are: Legalism versus God’s grace and practical living out the gospel of Jesus.

Background Reading:

Greetings from Paul Read the book of Galatians

1:1 From: Paul—an apostle not sent from men or by a man, but by Jesus the Messiah, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2 and all the brothers who are with me.

To: The churches in Galatia.

3 May grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, be yours! 4 He gave himself for our sins in order to rescue us from this present evil age according to the will of our God and Father. 5 To him be the glory forever and ever! Amen.

There is No Other Gospel

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of the Messiah and, instead, are following a different gospel, 7 not that another one really exists. To be sure, there are certain people who are troubling you and want to distort the gospel about the Messiah. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should proclaim to you a gospel contrary to what we proclaimed to you, let that person be condemned! 9 What we have told you in the past I am now telling you again: If anyone proclaims to you a gospel contrary to what you received, let that person be condemned! 10 Am I now trying to win the approval of people or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be the Messiah’s servant.
Galatians 1:1-10
Read the rest of Galatians 1:11-6:18

More Information:

Remember that Paul was brought up as a Rabbinical Jew and his teacher was Gamaliel.

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