10BC-AD700 – Timeline

Approximately 7 A4  pages from 10BC-AD700 set up so you can print them.

Please enjoy looking at this table of contents as much as we did in making it.

WORLD/SECULAR HISTORY year/month/day Christian History and Jewish History
Historical events in Politics and Business Events and history that happened in both faiths
including Christian & Jewish people
Undated Past  Genesis
1800BC-1400BC  Life of Moses
1400BC-931BC  Judges
10500BC-931BC  Three Kings
931BC-400BC  Divided Kingdom and Prophets
424BC-4BC  400 years
Roman Emperor Claudius borne August 110BC
Roman Emperor Julius Caesar 100BC-44BC
King Herod the Great born in Jericho 73BC
Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar – born-died 63BC-AD14  Referred to in Luke 2:1
Herod Antipater the Idumaean father of Herod the Great Died 43BC
The end of the Roman Republic
Start of the Roman Empire
Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar -ruled 27BC-AD14  Referred to in Luke 2:1
Publius Sulpicius Quirinus – born 45BC ??BC-AD21
Publius Sulpicius Quirinus a consul – in Syria 12BC
  12BC-4BC  Birth of Jesus or the Christmas story
A Roman census – 8BC
5-4BC  High Priest – Matthias, son of Theophilus
5BC  High Priest – Joseph, son of Elam
4BC  High Priest – Joezer, son of Boethus
Herod the Great Died 4BC  
King Herod the Great’s son Herod Archelaus takes over 4BC  
Herod Philip Tetrarch of Iturea and Trachonitis ( Outside Israel) 4BC-AD34  
Herod Archelaus (Judea & Samaria) 4BC-AD6  
Herod Antipas (Galilee & Perea) “that fox.”
Herod Aristoboulus
4-1BC  High Priest – Eleazar, son of Boethus – (Appointed by Herod Archelaus)
AD1-AD6  High Priest – Jesus, son of Sie
AD7  High priest – death penalty
AD6-AD15  High Priest – Annas, 6-15 A.D. (Appointed by Quirinius)
Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar dies AD14  Luke 3:1
Reign of Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar AD14-AD37  Luke 3:1
Pontius Pilate Governor of Judah  Luke3:1
Lysanias ruler of Abilene  Luke 3:1
AD15-16  High Priest – Ishmael, son of Phiabi I – (Appointed by Valerius Gratus)
AD16-17  High Priest – Eleazar, son of Annas
AD17-18   High Priest – Simon, son of Kamithos
Herod Archelaus son of King Herod the Great Died  AD18  
Founding of Tiberias  AD18  
AD18-37   High Priest – Joseph Caiaphas
Pontius Pilate arrival in Judea  AD26
King Agrippa 1 ruled (born 10AD)  AD27-AD37?
AD28   If 6th April AD32 is the triumphal entry then Jesus started His ministry in September – November AD28
AD28-AD32  Ministry of Jesus
AD32  Timeline of: Easter – Palm Sunday to Pentecost
AD32  Zacchaeus The Tax Collector Luke 19:1-10
AD32  Mary Anoints Jesus feet John 12:1-11
6th April AD32  Triumphal Entry Luke 19:28-44
AD32  Palm trees John 12:12-19
AD29?  if 4th-5th April Tuesday Sunset-Wednesday Sunset 29AD
If AD32   6th (Thurs?) April Crucifixion under Herod Antipas Luke 23:26-46
IF AD33?   Friday 3rd April Jesus Crucified
AD30-AD110  New Testament
AD29 to AD33  Death of Jesus or Jesus Crucified
if AD32  Death of Jesus or Jesus Crucified Wednesday 10th April AD32 also 14th Nisan
if AD33  Death of Jesus or Jesus Crucified Friday 14th Nisan
AD33-AD53  The Early Church or Acts part One
Pontius Pilate dismissed as procurator of Judea AD36
AD37  High Priest – Jonathan, son of Annas – (Appointed by Vitellius)
AD37-41  High Priest – Theophilus, son of Annas
Birth of Joephus AD37-95
Tiberius Caesar Died AD37 March 16th
Reign of Emperor Caligula (Gaius) Caesar AD37-AD41
Anti-Jewish riots in Alexander AD38
Herod Antipas exiled AD39
Anti-Jewish riots Antioch AD40
Herod Antipas son of Herod the Great Died AD40  He had John the baptist beheaded. Matthew 14:1-13
Emperor Gaius assassinated AD41
Roman Emperor Claudius AD41-AD54  Acts 11:28 Acts 18:2
Claudius Conquers Britain AD43
Herod Agrippa I, king of Judea, 10BC-AD44  Acts of the Apostles Called “Herod”
Death of Herod Agrippa I AD44
AD47-AD57  Paul’s missionary journeys
   Jewish vs. Gentile
Roman Emperor Claudius expels Jews from Rome AD49-AD Acts 11:28, Acts 18:2
Rise of the Zelots and Sicrii AD50-52
AD50  3,000 killed in Jerusalem in a tumult with the Romans
King Agrippa 11 ruled (born 10AD) AD53  Acts of the Apostles as King Agrippa 2
AD53-AD96  The Early Church or Acts part 2
Roman Emperor Claudius died 54-10-13
Roman Emperor Nero (Nero means black) AD54-AD68  
  About June 3rd AD57 First of several trials for Paul Acts 22:30-23:11
  Thursday 9 June AD57 Paul’s 2nd trial Acts 24:1-23
  June AD57 Paul’s 3rd trial see Acts 24:24-27
  June AD57 Paul’s fourth trial was in front of Festus, Acts 25:1-12 also see Acts 26:32 28:19 2 Timothy 4:16-17
 Josephus’s pleading of Jewish inerests before Nero  AD64  
The fire in Rome – summer AD64-July-19  The fire in Rome
AD66 The end of the Qumran community
AD66  Jews suffered persecution under Gessius Florius, Roman Governor of Judea
AD66-AD70  Great Revolt
 Josephus surrender to Vespasian  AD67  
AD67  The book of Hebrews, Hebrews 1:1-13:25
 Moses leads Gods people, Hebrews 11: 24
 Crossing The Red Sea, Hebrews 11:29
AD67-AD68  Crossing Paul in Jail again
Roman Emperor Calba AD68-AD69
Roman Emperor Otto AD69
End of Roman rule by Procurators AD70
Roman Rule by Expulsion AD71-AD306
??-AD100  Clement of Rome
AD69-AD155  Polycarp
AD70-AD135 Early Sub- Apostolic Church
Roman Emperor Vespasian AD69-AD79  
AD70   Herod’s Temple in Jerusalem
Roman army 100,000 strong marched against Jerusalem  AD70  
2nd Sept AD70   Titus Vespasian’s son Destroys Jerusalem
AD73   Masada falls
Josephus’s completion of “Jewish War” AD77  
Vesuvius erupts – Naples Italy AD79  
Roman Emperor Titus AD79-AD81
Roman Emperor Domitian AD81-AD96
 Josephus’s completion of “Antiquities”  AD93-94  
The Emperor Domitian begins his persecution of Christians  AD94  
AD96   John writes The Book of Revelation
AD96 The First Church, Ephesus; The Tree of Life, Revelation 2:1-7
AD96 The Second Church, Smyrna; Satan, Revelation 2:8-11
AD96 The Third Church, Pergamum; Manna, Revelation 2:12-17
AD96 The Fourth Church, Thyatira; Morning Star, Revelation 2:18-29
AD96  Jesus comes back to take his rightful place as king. Revelation 22:5
AD96  Lamp Revelation 22:5
AD96  The Bride of Christ Revelation 21:1-9 and Revelation 22:17
AD96  WE WIN. I looked at the end of the book and WE WIN Revelation 20:15
AD96  The Angel says Jesus is returning Revelation 22:7-21
AD96  The Cross Jesus Is Returning Revelation 22:7-21
AD96  Jesus the Son of God Revelation 22:7-21
Murder of Emperor Domitian AD96
Roman Emperor Marcus Cocceius Nerva  AD96-AD98   Nerva releases John from the Island of Patmos
Roman Emperor Trajan  AD98-AD117
Paper is invented in China  AD100  
  AD100  Synod of Jamnia
  AD100   Gospel of Thomas
AD100-AD165  Justin Martyr
Roman Emperor Hadrian AD117-AD138
AD120  Growth of the Gnostic movement
AD120  Didache
Hadrian orders for a wall 73 miles long to be built in Britannia AD122-127  
  AD130-???  Gnosticism
  AD132-135 Jewish revolt of Bar-Cochba
  AD135  Hadrian devastated Palestine. 580,000 perished
  AD135  Destruction of Jerusalem again
  AD135 Martyrdom of Rabban Akiba
  AD144  Death of Marcio
Lake Taupo formed  AD146  
  AD150  Justin Martyr Writes His Apology
  AD156  The Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna
AD160-AD225  Tertullian
AD175  Apostolic succession lists
AD177  Irenaeus Becomes Bishop of Lyons
AD196  Tertullian Begins to Write Christian Books
AD205 Origen begins to write Christian books
AD200  Canon selection is complete
Han Empire(Gina) ends AD220
Goths invade Europe AD220-AD269
AD225-AD647  Christological controversies
Persecution under the emperor Maximinus AD235-AD238
AD249-AD251  Decian
AD251  Cyprian writes On the Unity of the Church
AD251-AD356  Anthony of Egypt
AD254  Death of Origen
AD257-AD260  Valerianic
AD258  Martyrdom of Cyprian
AD270  Anthony Begins His Life as a Hermit
Emperor Diocletian AD284-AD305  Killed many Christians
AD296-373  Athanasius
Constantine became Emperor AD306-AD337
Byzantine Empire or Roman Eastern leg in control AD307-AD614
AD312  The Conversion of Constantine
Victory at the Milvian bridge AD312
Constantine issues the Edict of Milan AD313  Christians free to worship
AD323  Building of St Peter’s, Rome, begins
AD325  Nicene Council
AD325-AD381  Nicene Creed
Start of Post-Nicene Church
4th-5th century  Donatism
AD325-381  Controversy over Arianism
AD326  Church of the Holy Sepulcher is built
AD330-379  Basil the Great
Constantine moves to Constantinople AD330
King Ezana of Axum becomes the first Christian king in Africa AD330
AD339-397  Ambrose of Milan
AD342-420  Jerome
AD347-407  John Chrysostom
AD354-430  Augustine of Hippo
AD358-394  Cappadocian Fathers
AD367  Athanasius’s Letter Recognizes the New Testament Canon
AD381  Council of Constantinople
AD384  Egeria’s Travels
AD385  Bishop Ambrose Defies the Empress
AD386-460  St Patrick
AD387  Conversion of Augustine
AD396  Augustine becomes Bishop of Hippo
AD397  Latin Vulgate
Roman Empire is divided into East and West AD395
AD398  John Chrysostom becomes Bishop of Constantinople
AD?-460  Patrick
AD405  Jerome completes the Vulgate
AD400-529  Pelagianism
AD?-432  Patrick goes as a missionary to Ireland
Visigoths invade Europe AD410-711
AD416  Teaching of Pelagius Condemned
AD423  Rule of St. Augustine
AD428  Athanasian Creed
Vandals storm the Mediterranean AD429-533
Huns invade the Gupta Empire, in India AD430-470
AD431  Council of Ephesus
AD432  Patrick Goes as Missionary to Ireland
Angles and Saxons invade Britain AD440
AD451  The council of Chalcedon
End of Post-Nicene Church ends
Start of Early Medieval Church
Romulus Augustulus last emperor in West Rome AD475-AD476
Fall of the western part of the Roman Empire 27BC-AD476
Eastern Roman Empire now know as Byzantine
start of Early Middle Ages
AD480-AD547  Benedict of Nursia
AD511  Catholic Christianity is established in Gaul
AD520  Boethius Consolation of philosophy
Justinian Emperor east AD527-565
AD529  Benedict of Nursia establishes his monastic order
AD529-540  Rule of St. Benedict
AD530  Monophysite
AD540-604  Gregory the Great
AD555-647  Christological controversies
AD563  Columbia goes as a missionary to Scotland
Lombards invade Italy AD568-573
Muhammad died June 8th 632 Medina where his grave is AD570-632
AD590  Gregory 1 becomes Pope
AD600  Gregorian Sacramentary
AD602  See of Canterbury is founded
Persians invade Rome AD602
Persian Empire AD615-AD638
Jerusalem falls to Islam AD637
AD555-647  Christological controversies
Arabs storm the Mediterranean AD637-732
Multiple Moselem/Arab Rule AD639-AD1009
AD664  Synod of Whitby
AD673-735  Bede
AD680-754  Boniface
Dome of the Rock Completed AD691
AD725-842  Iconoclastic controversies
AD716  Boniface Sets Out as Missionary
The Venerable Bede Completes His Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation AD731
AD732  The Battle of Tours
Charlemagne AD742-AD814
AD749   Or there about. A major Earthquake in Israel damaged many buildings
AD754  Germany is Christianized
AD789  Roman Rite is compulsory in the West
Carolingian Renaissance Late 8th through early 9th century
Vikings invade Europe AD793-1016
AD793  Monastery Lindisfarne attacked by the Vikings
AD795  Monastery Iona attacked by the Vikings
The next section of the time line of the Birth of Jesus – The Christmas Story The next section of the time line of the Birth of Jesus – The Christmas Story