The Ark of God

Revelation 11:19. The Ark of God here on earth is where God’s Divine presence is made known to man and is a copy of the one in heaven.

There are a number of places on the earth where God has a Temple or a tabernacle where He meets with His people Israel. Can you think of any? Starting in Exodus, Kings and other books of the Bible.

The opening of the heavenly Ark of God implies that God is about to do something and also talk with His chosen and redeemed people.

Background Reading:

The Ark of God

11:19 Then the Temple of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen inside his Temple. There were flashes of lightning, noises, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail..
Revelation 11:19

More Information:
Jesus the lamb of God, the light of the world, came into this world as a
baby, to grow up into a man and the Son of God, to tell people about His Father
God and His love for them, then to die on the cross for our salvation.

The Ark of God was made up of two parts:- The Ark of the testimony, which is the box made of wood overlaid with gold, and the Mercy seat, which was made of solid beaten gold and had two angels or cherubim. Each Cherub had one wing set in such a way that the two Cherubim together formed a seat above the Mercy Seat which sits on The Ark of God, Exodus 37:1-9.

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