Yom Kippur, means "Day of Atonement"

Yom Kippur, means “Day of Atonement,” is the most solemn and holy day
in the Jewish calendar.

According to the sources, Yom Kippur is a day of “self-denial” (Leviticus 23-27)
and day to be cleansed of one’s sins. It is observed eight days
after Rosh Hashanah. Traditionally, it is believed that on Rosh Hashana
God inscribes names in the “books” and on Yom Kippur, the judgment
entered in these books is sealed. A traditional greeting is “may you be
inscribed in the book of life.

The days between Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur are called the
“Days of Awe’. The prayers and fasting on Yom kippur are supposed to
insure that through repentance, God seals the repenter in the book of

Restrictions on Yom
Yom Kippur is a fast day for adults. Males from the age of 13 and Females
from the age of 12 are obligated to fast. It is the strictest of the
Jewish year. The fast lasts for over 25 hours. Traditionally, the focus
on Yom kippur is for spiritual elevation. One way to do this is to
abstain from the physical and superficial pleasures. Consequently,
these five physical activities are forbidden on Yom Kippur:

  1. Eating and drinking.
  2. Washing one’s body.
  3. Anointing oneself. One cannot wear jewelry, perfume or makeup.
  4. Wearing leather shoes.
  5. Marital relations.

It is customary to wear white on Yom Kippur. This symbolizes purity and
calls to mind the promise that sins shall be made as white as snow (Is.
1:18). Some people wear a kittel, the white robe in which the dead are

In Israel, the country comes to a standstill on Yom Kippur. Places
of entertainment and stores are closed, there are no state-run
television or radio broadcasts (not even the news), and public
transport does not run. Solemnity on Yom Kippur in Israel is reinforced
by memories of the 1973 war, when Egypt and Syria launched a surprise
attack against Israel.

Customs the day before Yom Kippur:
Mikva/Ritual Bath
Traditionally, every Jew is required to immerse in a mikvah (ritual
bath) on the day before Yom kippur.

It is an ancient custom to perform Kaparot before Yom Kippur. Kaparot
can be performed any time between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur but the
preferred time is just after dawn on the day before Yom Kippur. The
Kaparot ritual involves taking a chicken in your right hand and
revolving it over your head while reciting a prayer. Money is then
donated to charity.

Eating before Yom kippur
The festive meal before the fast is called Seudah Mafseket (“final meal”).
Traditionally, meat is not eaten during this meal, but poultry can be
eaten. It is traditional to eat soup, but important to put as little
salt and seasoning in the soup as possible. Before the meal a blessing
is made for bread but not for wine.

To endure the fast many people give up caffeine for a period
before Yom kippur.. For many people this helps to prevent headaches
from fasting. Also it is important to drink plenty of water at regular
intervals for the day before. It is important to leave time for the pre
fast meal. It must be eaten quite early (times change according to
location and date)..

Bringing in the festival
After the meal it is customary to light memorial candles before candle lighting.
When the Festival candles are lit, 18 minutes before sunset,.
these two blessings are recited:

Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ha-olam Asher
Be-mitzvo-tav Ve-tzvi-vanu Le-hadlik Ner Shel Shabbat veShel Yom

Blessed are You, Lord our G-d, King of the universe, who has
us life, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this occasion.

Ba-ruch A-tah Ado-nai E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ha-olam
She-heche-ya-nu Ve-ki-yi-ma-nu Ve-higi-a-nu Liz-man Ha-zeh

Additionally, before entering the synagogue, it is customary for
fathers to bless their children. Although there is no required formula
for this blessing, it is customary for fathers to say:

May God make you like Efrayim and Menashe [for a son];
or, May God make you like Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah [for a

Traditionally, the day of Yom Kippur is devoted entirely to prayer. Repentance
(teshuva) is the theme of Yom Kippur. It is believed that usually sins
alienate one from God, but on yom kippur, repentance reconciles one
with God.

The first Yom Kippur occurred when Moses descended Mount Sinai
with the second set of Tablets of the Ten Commandments, a symbol of the
renegotiated covenant between God and the Jewish People. It is believed
that the Israelites alienated God by worshipping the golden calf. Moses
ascended Mount Sinai to ask God for forgiveness. The Israelites
repented by fasting during the day while Moses was on the mountain. On
the tenth day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei (Yom Kippur), Moses
descended Mount Sinai with the second Tablets.

God decreed the tenth day of the month of Tishrei as a day of

“Let it be a statute for you forever: in the seventh
month, on the tenth of the month, you shall starve your vital energies
and do no manner of work…. For on this day it shall bring atonement
upon you, to purify you, before God shall you become pure of all your
aberrations.” (Vayikra/Leviticus 16: 29-30)

Prayers on Yom Kippur
Prayer services on Yom Kippur are lengthy and solemn. Traditionally,
most of the holiday is spent in prayer in the synagogue. These are the

The Evening of Yom Kippur:

  • Kol Nidrei and Maariv

On Yom Kippur day:

  • Shacharit
  • The Torah Reding, including the book of Jona
  • Yizkor
  • Musaf
  • Mincha
  • Neilah
  • Maariv

Breaking The Fast:
When Yom Kippur finishes, it is traditional to break the fast with a
celebratory meal. Afterwards, it is customary to start to build the
Sukkah for the next holiday of Sukkot. By doing this it is possible to
go straight from atonement for sins into doing a mitzvah a good deed,
making a fresh start for the new year.

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