Jesus was born in Bethlehem which is just south of Jerusalem.
He spent most of His life in a town called Nazareth in the northern part of Israel near the Sea of Galilee. Like all Jewish men, He learned a trade, in His case carpentry, from his step-father Joseph. He would have gone to the local synagogue, the local place of religious learning. He would also have visited Jerusalem up to three times a year, visiting family and friends, including those from his step-father’s side in Bethlehem. Jesus may have become a rabbi.
If the triumphal entry was 10th Nisan AD32 eg 6th April AD32 then Jesus started His ministry in September – November AD28. So He died on the 4th Passover after the start of His three and a half year ministry on the earth.
Jesus started three and a half years of ministry with His baptism near Jerusalem and then made His first trip north.
PERIOD OF OBSCURITY – Judean Ministry. First trip: Jerusalem-Galilee-Jerusalem about two months.
Second trip: Jerusalem-Galilee-Jerusalem about twelve months.
PERIOD OF POPULARITY – Galilean ministry.
Jerusalem-Galilee-Jerusalem about 19 months.
Jerusalem and around the greater Jerusalem area for about three to four months and His death.
His Resurrection.
His Ascension.
Ten days later Pentecost experience on the day of Pentecost, also called Shavuot or Feast of wWeeks.
Other modules in this unit:
- Jesus starts His Ministry
- John the Baptist Prepares the Way for Jesus
- Sandal, John the Baptist
- Satan, The Temptation of Jesus
- The Calling of the First Disciples
- Water Jar, Jesus Changes Water Into Wine
- Jesus teaches Nicodemus
- Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman at the Well
- Jesus calls for disciples a second time
- Man on a sleeping mat
- The Healing of two Blind Men in a house
- Jesus chooses His Twelve Apostles
- The Sermon in a level place
- Roman Centurion a leader of soldiers
- Jesus anointed by a sinful Woman
- Farmer sows seeds
- A Lamp on a stand
- Jesus calms the Storm
- Jesus sends out the Twelve
- John the Baptist beheaded by Herod the Tetrarch
- Jesus feeds five thousand
- Jesus Walks On Water
- Jesus feeds 4000 men besides women and children
- Jesus in a boat
- Blind Man at Bethsaida
- Keys to the Kingdom, Peter's confession of Christ
- The Transfiguration
- Jesus sends out seventy or seventy two disciples
- Light, Jesus is the Light of the world
- Jesus heals a man born blind
- Jesus looks out for the lost sheep
- Jesus uses Jonah as a sign
- God is the Light
- Keys
- The Parable of the Rich Fool
- Be ready to serve Jesus day and night
- The Parable of the Lost Sheep
- Lazarus raised from the dead
- The Plot to Kill Jesus
- The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
- A Blind Beggar receives his sight
- Zacchaeus the tax collector
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-42
- Ministry of Jesus Timeline
- Next Module – Easter, Triumphal Entry to Pentecost » »