Hebrews 11:24-28 and Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. Moses the friend of God. Moses by faith led the people of God by following the cloud by day and the fire by night for the nearly the next forty years while God led them to the promised land in Israel.
From the time Moses had to meet God at the burning bush God. Moses was known as a friend of God and spent much time in the presence of God.
The life of Moses is found in Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and one other book. Moses 1525BC- 1404BC, Red Sea 1445, Tabernacle 1444.
Which two books of the Torah are missing:- Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
Background Reading:
11:24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be called a son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25 because he preferred being mistreated with God’s people to enjoying the pleasures of sin for a short time. 26 He thought that being insulted for the sake of the Messiah was of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.
27 By faith he left Egypt, without being afraid of the king’s anger, and he persevered because he saw the one who is invisible.
28 By faith he established the Passover and the sprinkling of blood to keep the destroyer of the firstborn from touching the people.
Hebrews 11:24-28
Exodus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
Background reading the books EXODUS, NUMBERS, DEUTERONOMY.
Moses is the main thread throughout these four books and Gods dealing with him and the Hebrew people using Moses as the go-between. Which book has been left out?
More Information:
Moses which in Hebrew means: drawn out.
Unlike his parents, Moses is not obscure. He has parallels with Jesus.
He was the leader and Lawgiver of Israel.
He was adopted by Pharaohs daughter and groomed to be a future pharaoh of Egypt and a was great Egyptian General and won many battles.
Other modules in this unit:
- The Beginning
- Seven days of Creation
- Cain the first human murderer recorded in the Bible
- Enoch did not die,
- Noah built an Ark
- Abraham the father of the Hebrew people
- Sarah Abraham's wife
- Isaac Abraham's son
- Esau Isaac's son
- Jacob Isaac's favorite son
- Manasseh Joesph's Older Son
- Joesph's younger son
- Joseph had a coat of many colors
- Amram a Levite, the father of Moses
- Jochebed the mother of Moses
- Moses followed God by faith
- The Red Sea divided and congealed
- Joshua and the fall of Jericho
- Caleb, Moses' man
- The fall of Jericho
- Rahab saved from death
- Barak the army commander of Israel
- Gideon the fifth Judge of Israel
- Jephthah the Gileadite the tenth Judge of Israel
- The Prophets from Genesis to Revelation
- Samson the Fourteenth Judge of Israel
- Samuel 15th Judge of Israel and also a Prophet
- King Saul first of three Kings
- David second of three kings
- Jonathan David's true friend
- The widow of Zarephath
- Obadiah and Elijah
- The prophet Elijah did sixteen miracles
- The vineyard of Naboth and King Ahab
- The vineyard of Naboth and Queen Jezebel
- Micaiah, the son of Imlah
- Elisha the Prophet
- The miracle of the Widow's Oil
- The Shunammite and her son
- Zechariah the Prophet
- King Hezekiah
- King Hezekiah, The sun went backwards
- Isaiah the prophet
- Jeremiah the prophet
- Uriah the Son of Shemaiah
- Jeremiah put down a well
- The book of Daniel
- The Fiery Furnace
- Daniel in the Lions' Den
- Hasmonean Dynasty
- John the Baptist
- Jesus the Son of God
- Background Information: For Hebrews Chapter 11
- Resources: For Hebrews Chapter 11
- Next Module – Revelation part one » »