Angels praised God for the birth of Jesus

It was then that many angels started singing songs of praise to God, to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

One of the angels spoke to the shepherds. God often used angels to announce important events and many times they were used to protect Israel.

The shepherds found Jesus as a newly born baby: Greek brephos. Not like the Magi, who found a paidion. Paidion is the Greek word for a child older than a newly born baby but still under two years old.

The angels got the sheepherders to see Jesus on the night of His birth were as the Magi visited Jesus up to two years later.

Background Reading: – The Angels praise God

13 Suddenly, a multitude of the Heavenly Army appeared with the angel, praising God by saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people who enjoy his favor!”
Luke 2:13-14

More Information:

Angels are messengers or ambassadors of God.

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