Questions and Answers 1-14

1. The book of Acts, which covers the first 33 years of the early church, was written by whom and when?

2. How long did Paul’s third missionary trip last for?

3. Why did they burn the books at Ephesus?

4. Paul talks about seeing God as a reflection, but will we eventually see Him?

5. Satan turns up in a number of guises. Can you name some?

6. Who wrote the book of Romans?

7. Was it common to make graven images or idols?

8. Has God rejected the Jewish people who do not believe in the Messiah?

9. Who arrested Paul and put him in chains?

10. First of several trials for Paul. What was Paul’s background?

11. What did High Priest Ananias and the Sanhedrin want to do with Paul?

12. Second trial for Paul, this time before Felix. What was Felix’s official position?

13. What had happened before Paul’s third trial this time before Felix.

14. Paul’s fourth trial was in front of Festus. What was Festus’s official position?

Answers to Questions 29-42

1. Lukeabout AD68.

2. Four years.

3. They wanted to get their lives right with God.

4. Face to face.

5. As an angel of light, as a roaring lion, as a thief, and as an accuser of Christians.

6. Paul

7. Yes.

8. Paul’s answer is an unequivocal no.

9. Roman Commander Claudius Lysias.

10. Paul’s background was that of a first century, Rabbinical Jew .

11. Wanted to kill Paul.

12. The Roman Governor or Procurator of Judea.

13. Felix and his Jewish wife had spoken to Paul a number of times in private hoping for bribes.

14. His Excellency Governor Porcius Festus.

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