Thursday 9 June AD57 – Acts 24:1-23.
Marcus Antonius Felix was the Roman Governor or Procurator of Judea. Caesarea was his political capital, and its seaport was called Sebastos.
The area was under Roman rule. The ruling Caesar in Rome was Nero. The Latin name Nero means Black.
Paul had come to Jerusalem to bring money to the Jewish and non-Jewish believers.
Background Reading:
Paul Presents His Case to Felix
24:1 Five days later, the high priest Ananias arrived with certain elders and Tertullus, an attorney, and they summarized their case against Paul before the governor. 2 When Paul had been summoned, Tertullus opened the prosecution by saying:
“Your Excellency Felix, since we are enjoying lasting peace because of you, and since reforms for this nation are being brought about through your foresight, 3 we always and everywhere acknowledge it with profound gratitude. 4 But so as not to detain you any further, I beg you to hear us briefly with your customary graciousness. 5 For we have found this man a perfect pest and an agitator among all Jews throughout the world. He is a ringleader in the sect of the Nazarenes 6 and even tried to profane the Temple, but we arrested him, 7 and we wanted to try him under our law. But Tribune Lysias came along and took him out of our hands with much force, ordering his accusers to come before you. 8 By examining him for yourself, you will be able to find out from him everything of which we accuse him.”
9 The Jewish leaders supported his accusations by asserting that these things were true. 10 When the governor motioned for Paul to speak, he replied:
“Since I know that you have been a judge over this nation for many years, I am pleased to present my defense. 11 You can verify for yourself that I went up to worship in Jerusalem no more than twelve days ago. 12 They never found me debating with anyone in the Temple or stirring up a crowd in the synagogues or throughout the city, 13 and they cannot prove to you the charges they are now bringing against me. 14 However, I admit to you that in accordance with the Way, which they call a heresy, I worship the God of our ancestors and believe in everything written in the Law and the Prophets. 15 I have the same hope in God that they themselves cherish—that there is to be a resurrection of the righteous and the wicked. 16 Therefore, I always do my best to have a clear conscience before God and people. 17 After many years, I have come back to my people to bring gifts for the poor and to offer sacrifices. 18 They found me in the Temple doing these things just as I had completed the purification ceremony. No crowd or noisy mob was present. 19 But some Jews from Asia were there, and they should be here before you to accuse me if they have anything against me. 20 Otherwise, these men themselves should tell what wrong they found when I stood before the Council — 21 unless it is for the one thing I shouted as I stood among them: ‘It is for the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today.’”
22 Felix was rather well informed about the Way, and so he adjourned the trial with the comment, “When Tribune Lysias arrives, I’ll decide your case.” 23 He ordered the centurion to guard Paul but to let him have some freedom and not to keep any of his friends from caring for his needs.
Acts 24:1–23
Other modules in this unit:
- Next 43 Years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23
- Next 4 years of the Book of Acts, Acts 18:23-21:18
- Books Burn, Paul is in Ephesus, Acts 19:18-20
- Look in a Mirror, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
- Satan as an Angel of Light, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians 2:5-11 and 11:14
- Paul writes the book of Romans
- Idol or the Golden Calf
- Olive Tree
- Paul arrested and put in Chains
- First of several trials for Paul
- Paul before the High Priest Ananias and the Sanhedrin
- Second Trial for Paul, this time before Felix
- Paul's third trial in front of Felix
- Paul's fourth trial was in front of Festus
- Festus consults with King Herod Agrippa 2
- Paul before King Agrippa for his fifth trial
- Paul, a prisoner, sails for Rome in chains
- Map, Paul sails for Rome and prison
- Paul and the Snakebite ashore on Malta
- Paul heals the people on the island of Malta
- Paul under house arrest is still preaching
- Gospel of Luke
- Roman Soldier, The Armour of God
- Comeback, Paul's plea for Onesimus
- Epaphras took a letter to the city of Colossae
- Run the race
- Map, Paul's 5th trip which was after the book of Acts was written
- Rome burns, 19 July AD64
- Kiss of Love
- Scribe, Paul's Letter To Titus
- Paul writes to Timothy a second time
- Victor's Crown
- The book of Hebrews
- Moses leads God's people
- Crossing the Red Sea
- Paul back in jail or prison again in Rome
- The Book of Jude
- Jerusalem is destroyed 2nd September AD70
- John on the Island of Patmos
- Eight Characteristics of Jesus
- The Holy City, the New Jerusalem
- Jesus Reigns
- AD96 the end of the book of Revelation and the continuation of the Christian church
- Questions and Answers 1-14
- Questions and Answers 15-28
- Questions and Answers 29-43
- Timeline for Acts part two
- Resources: Acts part one and two
- Next Module » »