14. What year did King David start his 40 year reign?
15. Did David have a heart after God?
16. How long did King David rule from Jerusalem?
17. What was special about the Ark of God?
18. Why did King David murder Uriah the Hittite?
19. Was Tamar seduced and raped by her half-brother Amnon?
20. How old was King David at the end of his reign?
21. At the start of the 40-year reign of King Solomon. God asked him to ask anything from Him. What did King Solomon ask for?
22. What was the name God gave to King Solomon?
23. What did King Solomon use to get a Wise Ruling?
24. Who supplied the material to build Solomon’s Temple?
25. Why did the Queen of Sheba visit King Solomon?
26. What happened at the end of King Solomon’s reign?
14. 1011BC.
15. Yes.
16. Now ruled from Jerusalem for the next 32 years.
17. The Ark of God was where God’s presence was.
18. So he could marry Bathsheba.
19. Yes.
21. Wisdom so he could rule God’s people with wisdom and justice.
22. Jedidiah.
23. A sword.
25. Because he was the wisest man in the world.
26. His kingdom was split in two.
Other modules in this unit:
- Samuel the fifteenth Judge of Israel anoints Saul
- King Saul starts his reign of about thirty-two years
- King Saul reigned for 40 years. He was the 1st of 3 kings
- Samuel the fifteenth Judge of Israel anoints David as king
- David plays for his King
- David uses his slingshot
- The giant Goliath is killed by David
- King Saul tries to kill David with a spear
- Jonathan, David's faithful friend
- Soldiers of David's army
- Abigail acted quickly
- 40-year reign of King Saul ends
- King Ishbosheth
- Start of 40 Year reign of King David
- David becomes king in God's time
- David conquers Jerusalem
- The Ark brought to Jerusalem
- Bathsheba and King David
- Amnon and Tamar
- The end of King David's 40 year Reign
- The start of the 40-year reign of King Solomon
- King Solomon's reign established
- A sword gets the truth, Solomon's Wise Ruling
- Solomon's Temple
- The Queen of Sheba visits King Solomon
- The end of 40-year reign of King Solomon
- Questions and Answers 1-13
- Questions and Answers 14-26
- Timeline for the Three Kings
- Background Information: Three Kings
- Resources – Three Kings – Saul, David, and Solomon
- Next Module – Prophets and Kings part one » »