星期五?耶稣受难日?- Friday?: day of Jesus' death?

星期五?有可能是星期三。 – Friday? – could it have been Wednesday

Friday: day of Jesus’ death?
有人说钉十字架是在星期五, 但有人说是在星期三, 星期四, 更或者是在某个星期二, 他们同时也不认同钉十字架的年份是在公元前的26年与公元前39年之?涞乃捣?
Some say the crucifixion was on Friday others either Wednesday, Thursday or even as early as a Tuesday and they also disagree which year Starting with 26AD to 39AD.
有一个犹太的牧师说逾越节的安息日是在星期三的傍晚. 逾越节的羔羊必须要被观察四天的时间,如果主耶稣受难于星期五,那就意味着观察的 时间为六天。
One Jewish Pastor said Passover Sabbath started Wednesday sunset. The Passover lamb had to be inspected for Four days and if Jesus died on Friday that would make it 6 days.
For some possible Days, Months and Years of Jesus’ Death.


星期五 – Friday

Background reading:
Matthew 21:1-28:20, Mark 13:1-16:20, Luke 19:1-24:53, John 11:1-21:25.


Some commentators say Jesus Death could be as early as Wednesday.

因为主耶稣受难的当年是一个特殊的或者是圣大的安息日的一年,或者是 在普通安息日之前的两天。
Because the year Jesus died there was a special or high Sabbath one or two days before the normal weekly Sabbath.

The word Sabbath means rest.

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