地图,保罗的第五次行程是在使徒行传写成之后 – Map, Paul's 5th trip after Acts is Finished -Fix

Map of a possible fifth trip done by Paul.

This is in the period after the end of Acts and before his death in 67AD-68AD.

Paul possibly went to Spain and back during his time under house arrest in Rome before his recall and death.

Paul never stopped proclaiming the good news about God to those who would listen and also to those who would not. Paul in this time also wrote a number of letters that we now have in the Bible.


Map, Paul’s 5th trip which was after the book of Acts was written.

After Acts is Finished

保罗的第五次行程? – Paul’s 5th Trip?

Paul may have done a fifth trip between his first and second times in the jail where he was to die.

This missionary journey of Paul happened after what Luke had written in his
letter to Theophilus, which letter was to become known as the Book of Acts.

Map of possible fifth trip – 62AD-67AD.

Paul, as a Roman citizen, possibly went to Spain and back during his time under
house arrest in Rome before his recall and death.

保罗的第五次行程? – Paul’s 5th Trip?


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