Old Testament Overview – Questions and Answers 43-52

10 Questions
1. What book in the Old Testament did Isaiah write?

2. Which important person did Jeremiah the prophet of God speak to?

3. Daniel’s Godly life of prayer had him put somewhere by those who hated him?

4. Who won a beauty Queen contest and saved her people from being killed?

5. King Artaxerxes of Babylon sent who to rebuild a wall around Jerusalem?

6. Who wrote the last Old Testament book of the Bible?

7. 400 Years is the lenth for what?

8. Who did Angel Gaberiel this time visit in Nazareth?

9. Why Jesus have to die on a Cross?

10. Why did Jesus have to come to earth as a human?

Answers for questions 43-52
1. Isaiah.

2. King Zedekiah the last king of Judah.

3. King Darius Lions’ Den.

4. Queen Esther.

5. Nehemiah.

6. Malachi.

7. The time gap approximately between the Old and New Testament.

8. Mary.

9. For us.

10. For us.

Now to the next set of images.

Or try Birth of Jesus.

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