Background Information – Revelation Part Two

Summary of the book of Revelation
Date and place: Written on the Island of Patmos about AD96 (Revelation 1:9)
Author: The apostle John (1:1; summary of St. John)
Theme: The revelation (unveiling) of (from) Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him to show unto His servants things (events) which must quickly come to pass (1:1). These “things” were to take place from John’s day to and including the eternal events of the new heaven and new earth. The events are consecutive in order with parenthetical passages inserted between the main events, which explain certain things that are to happen along with the main events but are not the same as these events.

The book is in 3 clearly defined divisions, the contents of which renew each other in the order given, as follows:
1. The things which thou hast seen, i. e., the vision of Christ in the midst of the candlesticks (1:12-20), which, together with the introduction to the whole book, forms chapter 1.

2. The things which are, i.e., the 7 letters to the 7 churches in Asia Minor, or present Turkey, to whom the whole book is addressed (1: 19, 2: 1-3:22). These messages to the churches apply to the whole church age and until the rapture of the church just before the future tribulation and coming of the Antichrist, who will not win. Will this Antichrist be here for the full 7 years of this age or period? read Dan. 9:.2; 2 Th. 2:12; Ro. 6:1-19:, 21.

3. The things which must be hereafter, i. e., events after the rapture of the church (1:19; 4:1-22:5). These include the scenes in heaven (Rev. 4-5), the seals and their parenthetical statements (Rev. 6: 1-8: 1), the trumpets and their parenthetical statements (Rev. 8:2-13:18), the vials and their parenthetical statements (Rev. 14:1-19:21), the Millennium (Rev. 20), and the new heaven and new earth (Rev. 21:1-22:5), and events of the conclusion (Rev. 22:6-21).
Statistics: 66th and last book of the Bible; 22 chapters: 404 verses; 12,000 words; 9 questions; 53 verses of history; 10 verses of fulfilled, 341 verses of unfulfilled prophecy and the Book of Revelation has no direct quotations from the Old Testament, but it has about 550 references back to the Old Testament.

   1:4 Grace and Peace
   1:6 I am a King, I am a Priest   No. 541
   1:7 At Your feet we fall   No. 463
   1:17-18 Behold I am the Lord   No. 467

   2:7-3:21 Overcomers 
   2:4-5 First Love   No. 506
   3:21 To him who overcomes   No. 647

   4:8 Holy Holy Holy   No.529
   4:8-9 Highest place   No. 525
   4:8-9 For His name is exalted  No. 120
   4:11 You alone are worthy   No. 671
   4:11 Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy   

   5:2  You’re so worthy   No. 680
   5:9  Worthy to take the scroll
   5:9-10   We shall reign   209
   5:9  Thou art worthy to take the book  308
   5:11 Thou art worthy   No.646
   5:12   Worthy is the Lamb  JR
   5:12   Worthy is the Lamb  DG   (328) 123
   5:12   Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb of God   RR  138
   5:12   Worthy is the Lamb   183
   5:12   Holy Lamb of God   533
   5:12   Worthy is the Lord   668
   5:12   Worthy is the Lamb (Eschenbacker)  666
   5:12   Worthy is the Lamb (1st Radwick)  667
   5:13   We will glorify  657

   7:10   Hail to the Lamb   516
   7:10   Salvation

11:15   Kingdom of the world
11:15   Victory Chant   650
11:17-12:11  We will give thanks to You  351
12:10   The Accuser has been hurled down 
15:3-4  Holy is the Lord   531
15:3  Great and Marvelous    

19:6  Hallelujah to the King  517
19:6-7  Hallelujah for the Lord our God the Almighty reigns
19:11   Rider on the white horse    
19:11-18  Conqueror and Conquering  491
19:14   War Song  651
19:16   Lord of Heaven   579
19:19   The army of the Lord  629 

21:3-5  Behold the tabernacle of God is with men
22:1-17  There is a river of water of life
22:12  Behold
  We win, we win

Chapters 1-22 Alleluia, Lamb God

I stand before you Lamb

And I beheld and I heard

   Jules Riding’s Songs from the CD Revelation – used with written permission from Jules Riding.

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