63BC – A Roman Soldier representing the Roman Empire in the restored Israel

Two brothers from the Hasmonean dynasty in 63BC, Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, vied for the throne in Jerusalem. Because neither could win, they invited Rome to intervene a bad move.

Rome agreed and the Roman overlords did not leave Israel until the Empire fell some 500 years later.

The Romans were seen as a foreign occupying force by many of the local Jews.

The headquarters of the Roman army was at Caesarea with a seaport called Sebastos.

In 63 BC the Roman General Pompey captured Jerusalem after being invited to come by both Hyrcanus and Aristobulus.

The Jews had to pay taxes to Rome. That is why they hated the tax collectors, like Matthew.
By law, a Roman soldier could force anybody to carry his equipment 1 mile. – Matthew 5:41.

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