Friday?: day of Jesus' death?

Friday? – or it could have been as early as Tuesday sunset?
Friday: Day of Jesus’ death?

Whichever day you chose for Jesus’ death by crucifixion the evening before was His last Passover meal with His disciples followed by six trials which lasted through the night into the following day which was the crucifixion day. Passover was always celebrated on the 15th of Nisan using the Jewish calendar which starts at sunset.

Some say the crucifixion was on Friday others either Wednesday, Thursday or even as early as a Tuesday and they also disagree which year starting with AD26 to AD39.

One Jewish Pastor said Passover Sabbath started Wednesday sunset. The Passover lamb had to be inspected for Four days and if Jesus died on Friday that would make it 6 days.

For some possible Days, Months and Years of Jesus’ Death.

Some commentators say Jesus Death could have been as early as Tuesday or Wednesday sunset because the year Jesus died there was a special or high Sabbath one or two days before the normal weekly Sabbath.

The word as used by the Jews means rest. They had weekly Sabbaths and some special Sabbaths that could be any day of the week.

Background Reading:


Bible readings:
Matthew 21:1-28:20, Mark 13:1-16:20, Luke 19:1-24:53, John 11:1-21-25

More Information:

Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights.
The Hebrew day start’s at dusk, so a Hebrew day can overlap 2 Roman days, depending on the time of day):

Saturday was the triumphal entry: April 6th and 10 Nisan (at dusk)
Sunday the fig tree was cursed: April 7th and 11 Nisan (at dusk)
Monday the conspirators counseled: April 8th and 12 Nisan (at dusk)
Tuesday was the Last Passover: April 9th and 13 Nisan (at dusk)
Wednesday was the Crucifixion: April 10th and 14 Nisan (at dusk)
Thursday was the Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 11th and 15 Nisan (at dusk)
Friday the women prepared the spices and so forth: April 12th and 16 Nisan (at dusk)
Saturday they all rested: April 13th and 17 Nisan (at dusk)
Sunday morning the woman went to the tomb: April 14th and still 17 Nisan (until dusk, when it became 18 Nisan)

Read: Matthew 28:1 Sabbath here in Greek is Sabbaths.
Also, read John 19:31 “and the next day was to be a special Sabbath.”

There are the normal weekly Sabbath and also a small number of Special Sabbaths that could be any day of the week and “The Feast of Unleavened Bread” is one of these special Sabbaths.
The word Sabbath in Hebrew means rest.

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