Satan as an Angel of Light, Paul writes to the Corinthians, 2nd Corinthians 2:5-11 and 11:14

Paul says that Satan is out to destroy Christians in Christ anyway he can.

Satan also comes in other guises: as an angel of light, as a roaring lion, as a thief, and as an accuser of Christians.

Satan and God are at war. Look at the back of the book (Bible) and see that God and His team wins – Revelation 20:15.

Here Paul is saying that we need to forgive those who have wronged us so as not to let Satan have toehold over our lives.

2nd Corinthians was written by Paul in Macedonia September-October AD56 as his fifth letter. Timeframe: 2nd Corinthians fits into Acts between chapters 19 and 21.

Background Reading:

Forgive the Person who Sinned

2:5 But if anyone has caused grief, he didn’t cause me any grief. To some extent—I don’t want to emphasize this too much—it has affected all of you. 6 This punishment by the majority is severe enough for such a man. 7 So forgive and comfort him, or else he will drown in his excessive grief. 8 That’s why I’m urging you to assure him of your love. 9 I had also written to you to see if you would stand the test and be obedient in every way. 10 When you forgive someone, I do, too. Indeed, what I have forgiven—if there was anything to forgive—I did in the presence of the Messiah for your benefit, 11 so that we may not be outsmarted by Satan. After all, we are not unaware of his intentions.
2 Corinthians 2:5–11

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